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You’re Going to Make Them Mad – Political Threats and How to Deal With Them

If you know what to expect in advance, it will be easier to deal with it with it happens to you. If you and your organization are following the tools that you are learning from this website, you are likely quickly growing your grassroots organization into a statewide powerhouse. That is great. But your political Read more about You’re Going to Make Them Mad – Political Threats and How to Deal With Them[…]

People Come and They Go –- So What?

If you work in confrontational politics at a high level for any length of time, you will lose friends. Expect it. People get involved in politics for different reasons. Maybe a legislator angered them or perhaps there was an issue that really fired them up, so they got involved in local or state politics for Read more about People Come and They Go –- So What?[…]

There Is No Shortcut to Building Grassroots Pressure — But Nothing is More Effective for Public Policy Change

The top 5 shortcuts activists make trying to solve problems in the statehouse (Viral videos, hiring contract lobbyists, billboards, stupid emails with 15 topics, giving books to politicians) “But you don’t understand, this celebrity speaker will make this video go viral and the people are going to come to the Capitol in droves! This will Read more about There Is No Shortcut to Building Grassroots Pressure — But Nothing is More Effective for Public Policy Change[…]

Get Out in Front!

Effective Grassroots Organizations Need Effective Leadership, Tactics for Leading from the Front If you’ve been following the tools and training offered on this website, then hopefully your organization is adding people to your lists rapidly. Hopefully, some of the new names are donors. Others are more inclined to be volunteers at events while others are Read more about Get Out in Front![…]

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Holding politicians accountable usually makes them mad, and they are going to attack, what to expect and how to deal with it. For a new political activist getting involved in your first legislative fight, you may be confused about the nature of your opponent. You may actually think that, more or less, we are all Read more about Can’t We All Just Get Along?[…]

Robocalls: When You Have to Act Fast!

Cheap and effective ways to mobilize people to action, fast If you work for a fairly established grassroots non-profit political organization, you hopefully have the budget to mobilize your members using direct mail, mass emails, social media, radio ads, and more. And during a protracted legislative project you are hopefully doing all of that. But Read more about Robocalls: When You Have to Act Fast![…]

How to Effectively Use Facebook to Mobilize Activists

Most people and organizations do it wrong, I’ll show you how to do it right 274 Facebook comments and 2 hours spent yelling at your laptop –- but you showed them! You used your dazzling logic and your understanding of Austrian economic theory to crush some guy on your group’s Facebook’s page who was arguing Read more about How to Effectively Use Facebook to Mobilize Activists[…]

The Group With the Biggest List Wins!

Five Easy Steps to Properly Use Events to Recruit New Activists If you’ve been internalizing the material on this website, then you’re probably starting to understand the importance of building and maintaining a list for your organization. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes made by the Conservative movement has been a failure to build Read more about The Group With the Biggest List Wins![…]

Will They Vote Yes or No – Score Your Legislators Using This Tool

Serious activists should be conducting a 5-column analysis if they want to effect policy change. Many activists who properly understand that their job is to force the politicians to do the right thing, or hold them accountable at election time, make one key mistake during the thick of the fight. They expend too much of Read more about Will They Vote Yes or No – Score Your Legislators Using This Tool[…]

It’s Election Time – Effective Tools to Expose Bad Legislators

Cheap and effective tools that you can implement now! One of the greatest failures on the part of conservative activists is that we shoot blanks at election time! When the legislature attacks the unborn during the legislative session, pro-life groups get mad and threaten all kinds of pain during the election season. It’s the same Read more about It’s Election Time – Effective Tools to Expose Bad Legislators[…]